Driving in Oregon’s Winter: Are You Covered for Snow and Ice Accidents?
Winter in Oregon is a wild ride—literally. One minute it's raining, the next it’s snowing, and suddenly you’re sliding through an intersection with your coffee in mid-air. So, let’s talk about how your auto insurance keeps you covered when winter roads get sketchy.
Collision Coverage: Your Winter Safety Net
If you hit a patch of black ice and, well, hit something else, collision coverage helps pay for the damage. If your policy only includes liability insurance, your car repairs? Not covered. If you’re unsure, now’s the time to check.
Comprehensive Coverage: Because Trees Fall in Oregon
Winter storms can knock down trees, send branches flying, and even drop a rogue deer in your path. Comprehensive coverage helps pay for damage caused by things other than crashes—like falling objects, floods, or that unfortunate deer encounter.
Rental Car Coverage: Because You Still Need to Get Around
If your car is stuck in the shop after a winter mishap, rental car reimbursement keeps you moving. Without it, you’re at the mercy of rideshares and public transit—not ideal when it’s 30 degrees and raining sideways.
Winter Driving Tips to Stay Safe
Slow down and leave extra stopping distance (ice doesn’t care how good your brakes are).
Check your tires and consider chains if you're heading into the mountains.
Know your coverage before you need it.
Winter roads can be unpredictable, but your insurance shouldn’t be. If you’re unsure whether you’re covered for snow, ice, or that deer, give us a call! Office Phone: 971-303-3411